Autonomous Driving biased to left of centre

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Post by AndyC123 »

When allowing the Austral to steer itself I have noticed it seems to be biased to the left of the centre of the lane you are in. That's fine for two lane roads but when you are in the 2nd or 3rd lane on a motorway you feel too close to lorries as you pass them. You aren't actually getting very close but my car just gets closer than I would if I was steering myself. It could be intentional to keep you away from traffic coming in the opposite direction on a two lane road or it could be an issue with the calibration of the camera. Has anyone else noticed this?

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Post by tmonkeyuk »

I'm sure I saw on one of the official YouTube guides about the assistance options that you could gently steer and hold the position yourself and the lane centering would then 'lock' to that new position so you could have it biased as you wanted (though I assume it'll reset every time). IIRC it also adjusts the display so that you get less than 3 green lines on one side depending on you desired position.
I've just been going through some of the videos again now but haven't found it yet. Pretty sure I didn't dream it but then again, who knows ;)
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Post by FocusArmy »

Yes I wonder if it's still set up for driving on the right and hasn't been amended in the software for left side driving (UK)!?
It does concern me a little I admit.
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