As you know from my comments above I cannot understand why the re-gen paddles are identified in reverse to what you would think they should be. Maybe in France Positive is less and negative is more....who knows.
When you look at the many official Renault Austral help guide videos on you tube and car reviews,
in general the paddles are listed the same as ours.
I did find one Renault austral video however, which was a Renault marketing animation, where the paddles were identified with a battery sign "in" logo arrow and a battery sign "out" logo arrow, which I thought made a lot more sense and easily more descriptive in relation to what it does.
Why they deviated from this version is unclear.
If you feel the same, tell Renault and they may change it for future cars or give us an adhesive label to stick over it. Ha ha ha ha.
Take care
Mr rugby
Regeneration mode. Two things please.
IIRC the paddles on my wife's previous car, Hyundai Ionic, were also labelled in what would appear to be the wrong way round. I did come up with a justifiable reason for it many moons ago but can't recall what it was
The paddles in her Ionic were also much more convenient to use so I spent most of the time driving that car using the regen and only touching the brake pedal if I really needed to. I find the ones in the Austral are far less user friendly in terms of reach so I just leave it set on the middle value.

The paddles in her Ionic were also much more convenient to use so I spent most of the time driving that car using the regen and only touching the brake pedal if I really needed to. I find the ones in the Austral are far less user friendly in terms of reach so I just leave it set on the middle value.
Glad it made you chuckle. It's an age thing - something will come back to me but not sure it'll be that